Saturday, March 5, 2011

'Students' Election'

OH MY GOD! week six topic actually was so bored because me myself do not bother about the students election.hihi.You guys want to know why I don't even care about who will be the president among us?

 First,  LOT OF PROMISES! Usually during election they will attract students to vote for they because
       they will do the best for students need.Never!        

 Second,usually students will vote for someone who have looks and famous in collegue.From my  
        experience ,that kind of people cannot protect for student's right.They just want to be WELL- 
        KNOWN! or in   other words "Wanna be Artist".

Oh no! I have to back to the tittle given .Students have to vote during election because :

 They have to protect their rights from being fully control by the universit's management who do not  understand student's chaos and   difficulties.

  •Actually election is tradition in the world to choose who can rule and affordable to guide  people.Students have to vote for people who is brave,outspoken,friendly,good debeater,and wise in handling problems.

I also can said that we have to vote during election to train us  to vote for government's election after 21 years old.

That is why as student we have responsibility to vote for our rights and participate in university's program.
Neglect all the negative thoughts such as election just wast our time , election has no funtion to our study and others.I realised this when my friend told me that president can fight for our's right to obtain higher marks in our carry marks.hihi.

Finally!I hope MICET new president will be more cooperate and friendly with students !Do not think that ,when get that tittle "PRESIDENT" you are the best among the rest.Your tittle is your responsibility!

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