Friday, March 4, 2011

Great Leaders are Not Born... They are Made

Great Leaders are Not Born... They are Made..Do u agree with this statement??

Definition of leader:
Webster's defines a leader as simply being, a person or thing that leads

When we talk about leader and leadership, we must be thinking about man right? But that what we called as responsibility..Unfortunately,not all of us including women were born to be as a leader..If all human being were born to a leader, then whose going to be as a fellow??? from my point of view, great leaders are not born but they are made..they have a great attitude and credibility to carry  such a big responsibility like being a prime minister..A good example that we can see is Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad..He is our former 4th prime minister..he was born as a normal kid but when he grew up,he became someone that is successfull man..This happened because of his credibility and a very good leadership skills as we can see how harmony our country now compared before.

Leadership skill can be regained by behaving ourselves controlled and by so ones who think that they are qualified to be a leader, are most welcome..And do not worry if someone say that you are not qualified because you were not born as a great leaders..ok mates!

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