Saturday, March 5, 2011

A positive thing I'm Going to do during mid-sem break !

Hooray hooray it's a holi-holiday! I'M counting days to go back to my hometown!

YES!!!! I'm sure that is the first word comes from everyone in MICET .I'm not thinking of anything to do during this mid-sem break untill I saw this tittle entries.Sometimes,I just planned to study,to settle my tutorials but they never come true.hihi.

I think of cahnges!!! I'm going to finish all my assignment in only two days time and after that I'going to help my father at his shop because I think this is time for me to learn little bit about my father's business right??
I'm not going to spend my time with my friends in Johor Bahru because I can feel that my parents felt lonely since all their children no longer stay with them.

By the way I forgot ,my sister had booked me to be her daughter babysitter for three days  during my holiday because she has to go outstation .Oh noooo! This little monster is so playful unlike his brother.Haiyaaa.

I just pretending to forget about the C++ test on 7 MARCH 2011 because I don't want to spolit my holiday mood.haha.Unlikely,again this entries remind me of the test so, study for C++ 's test during holiday might be  one of my positive activity?Yes it is!

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