Wednesday, March 9, 2011

StILeTTo sNeaKeRs????

 Have you ever been caught in the conflicting choice between sneakers and high heels??
Well, stop the frustration, if you can't decide which one that you want so badly. Why don't you have them together? If you like the look of a sneakers but with high heels this is definitely for you.

From my personal point of view, this may seems very awkward to have them both in one kind of shoes but it is pretty gorgeous if we know how valuable it is to certain people.

If I were to be asked if I would wear these stilettos; I would say "PASS".. It's just that I don't really like the look of it.. It doesn't look fashionable to me at all. I'm ok with my plain sneakers without the heels.
By the way, these high heeles sneakers are from NIKE!:D

What do you guys thinks? Is it  Hot or NOt? Cute or Ugly??

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