Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Educational Aspiration 2011

Do you still remember leftover of your life in  2010? Get over it now because we are in 2011!I guess 2010 was really enjoyed for me but spoilt to my education.Hush Hush! I could see tears in my parents eyes when I told them about my result.Oh my goodness, I felt so guilty because i let them down.Before this ,i never let them down ,why can this happened in 2010?Why? New friends,new environment,new situation,new subject that i never ever like.Are those things that i mentioned effect my result?I guess so.

Here i come for 2011!!! I had learnt for the past.Less effort,less satisfaction i get for my result.2011 has give new spirit ,new resolution for myself.For last semester,i never did my tutorial actually.Shhhh!Please don’t tell my Mathematics lecturer.I promise to myself,for this semester,i have to finish all my tutorial,revision a lot and so on!Less effort make my family and myself down.Thanked god I realised  that i had wasting my time a lot by hangout and so on.

This is my Educational Aspiration for 2011 Madam Norhayati!So spiritual right?Pray for my successness!Amin

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