Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tsunami in Japan!

Onagawa, Japan, earthquake wreckage
2008 was the tragic days for Indonesian when Acheh was being attacked by Tsunami .The country was like desert after the Tsunami and we found many dead bodies !

Now,its Japan turned!Three hours before the incident,they were warned by the Tsunami 's sensor about the disaster.Unlike Acheh,they did not get any warned before the disaster.

Japan was being attacked by the earthquakes before the Tsunami came.Based on the news,the earthquakes was 8.9 ricther scale.

Japan was now suffering from lots of things because most of their precious things had destroyed.

Fukushima Daiichi power plant's Unit 1 explode!
Ships burn at the Bay of Kesennuma in northeastern Japan!

There were some of their important things that were destroyed badly.Many countries had offered help to Japan such as USA .

Tsunami influenced many things to our world because most of world's economy depends on this country.Be 
\patient people when you hear this,oil's price will increase.OHHHHH NOOOOO!!!!!

Wild Part???Please avoid

Party party party !"Oh my God,party last night was so awesome","Let's rock the party".
Why this kind of culture can happen to our Malaysian?Why ,why and why???

 Firstly,this is maybe because of influence from friends 

Parents did not gave full attention and love to their children

Too much wanted to have fun

Broken hearted teenager!(Better do not get involve in love matter if you do not know how to control yourselves right????)

Acting cool in front of people.Yeah,trance,electro,rnb.That kind of music can lead you to uncontrol situation.

Dear beloved friends, if you love yourselves please stay away from all of those problems because they can lead you to others stupid thing that are DRUGS!!!

Do feel love to yourselves especially girls! Love  your parents that took care of you since you were kids.Love your family and finally love your future because this kind of life can destroy yourselves .TRUST ME!

I found so many people that involve with drugs and had a wild party life did not finished their study.
Most of them came from well-known family.Okay I'm not saying that rich people are bad people but most of them!
Do you want all your dreams fade away just like that?????THINK 


 Pray  a lot to God to make yourselves strong and protect you from doing bad things

 Train youselves to be strong in making decision so,you do not easily get involve in those things!

Do not feel that AKON new hits,"Party Animal" is best song because that song actually drag you to something   that is so insane and unmoral!

See you again people!!

To Cheat, or Not to Cheat

LIAR LIAR LIAR! Other words for cheat..
( This quote by Eric Hoffer an America writer shows that cheating can make people regret for the rest of their life because they will lost others trust)

It is so fake if I'm saying that I never cheat in my life because even the honour people also sometimes cheat for the goods so,who am I to say that I never cheat in my life.There are different between cheating for good things  or cheating for bad things.

Usually I lie to my friends because I do not want to follow them doing something that waste my time such as overnight,partying and others.I do not want them to feel hurt so , I lie for our good.I do not understand why friendship can end because one of them backstab their friend.Supposely ,as a friend we must be honest to each other for long -term friendship.Most of my friend are BACKSTABBER!This is too harsh I knew it but this is the truth!

Assignments!!!!!Ohh nooo.First word came from most of the students in UNIKL MICET.hehe.Right or not people????. 
Usually they lie to their lecturer because they could not afford to finish up their assignment on the time so,what to do? LIE happened again.Laboratory report also one of the plagarism because most the boys in MICET  love to copy the girls laboratory report because they were so lazy to think about the discussion.At the end of the semester,they will face failure because they do not understand what they are copying.

OOOHH my God! I miss my family so much.hmm.Usually I lie to them  because I want to save my money to buy something such as clothes.Honestly , I rarely lie to my family because most of the time I will tell them what am I doing.

OKAY young people ,do not think that cheat is a normal things because once you lie,people won't trust you anymore even if you tell them that you are totally regret!

Do not make CHEAT as a supplement in your life!!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

why do we need love??

We all need love..even an animal know how to love each other..But we all as a human being, we need love because it is a part of our life..To be loved, and to feel love..You're cold if you don't want to be loved or to feel it.But why need love so badly? why??Here are the reasons...

Firstly, we need love for supporting us in any ways..Even if we are down, but when it comes to love, we automatically can be cooled so sudden..Love also can make us to be a better person without us realising it.

We sometimes pretend to be someone else just because to make he or she comfy with us therefore, make us become a good one in handling our behaviour.

Next, why do we need love is because only love can make our life happier than before..Without love also we will not born in this world..No more more sorrow in our life..

Last but not least..Love is the precious things in our life..We must value it as what we have,,don't ever try to deny our feelings just because of our egoistic..Love will not destroy us unless we find the way to destroy it..

upcoming MICET's talentime..

 Micet's talentime is a tradition which is organized by 'Kelab Kebudayaan MICET' twice a year.. It is compulsory fo every club members to take part in such activities. And as usual this sem, it's going to be held at Al-Razi cafetaria, tomorrow night.

Unfortunately, I'm going to perform on what we call as caklempong during this upcoming friday night.. and i am quite nervous because we don't prepare anything yet plus we don't even decided yet what song we will perform later huh..Luckily im not the one who leads our upcoming caklempong performance..or else..i will die..huhuhu..

From my personal view, i think that this time around's talentime will not succeed like last semester.This is because not so many 'artist' will be involve like no nasyid, no drama, and no dance.

But i hope that we still can enjoy that night and may be next batch will make it more interesting..;)

StILeTTo sNeaKeRs????

 Have you ever been caught in the conflicting choice between sneakers and high heels??
Well, stop the frustration, if you can't decide which one that you want so badly. Why don't you have them together? If you like the look of a sneakers but with high heels this is definitely for you.

From my personal point of view, this may seems very awkward to have them both in one kind of shoes but it is pretty gorgeous if we know how valuable it is to certain people.

If I were to be asked if I would wear these stilettos; I would say "PASS".. It's just that I don't really like the look of it.. It doesn't look fashionable to me at all. I'm ok with my plain sneakers without the heels.
By the way, these high heeles sneakers are from NIKE!:D

What do you guys thinks? Is it  Hot or NOt? Cute or Ugly??

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A positive thing I'm Going to do during mid-sem break !

Hooray hooray it's a holi-holiday! I'M counting days to go back to my hometown!

YES!!!! I'm sure that is the first word comes from everyone in MICET .I'm not thinking of anything to do during this mid-sem break untill I saw this tittle entries.Sometimes,I just planned to study,to settle my tutorials but they never come true.hihi.

I think of cahnges!!! I'm going to finish all my assignment in only two days time and after that I'going to help my father at his shop because I think this is time for me to learn little bit about my father's business right??
I'm not going to spend my time with my friends in Johor Bahru because I can feel that my parents felt lonely since all their children no longer stay with them.

By the way I forgot ,my sister had booked me to be her daughter babysitter for three days  during my holiday because she has to go outstation .Oh noooo! This little monster is so playful unlike his brother.Haiyaaa.

I just pretending to forget about the C++ test on 7 MARCH 2011 because I don't want to spolit my holiday mood.haha.Unlikely,again this entries remind me of the test so, study for C++ 's test during holiday might be  one of my positive activity?Yes it is!