Week four blog title fired me up!How can they simply judge our character based on our birth order?Is it relevant that all the the eldest in family in this world are responsible ,good behaviour?This is so unlogical!If this theory is relevant means that our world is unfair because the youngest in family will always be underestimate
by people.
I definitely disagree with this pathetic theory because I’m the youngest in family but my character is totally opposite those theory’s statement.I’m not saying that my eldest sister is NOT responsible,mature and clever but human being are not perfectly PERFECT so do her.She is more pampered than the others because the age differences between her and my second sister is quite far so she always act that she’s the youngest and she can always get what she want.
Instead,i think my middle sister is more responsible ,hardworking,higher IQ,can guide me and my brother to make decision in certain things.My eldest sister finished her study “HAPPILY” because she did not has to pay any loan .Those university’s fees supported by my father.My second sister did not continue her study after SPM because she’s more interested in banking.She was offered at Citibank as a salesperson only.Her worked hard payable because now she is one of the Citibank branched manager .She did not ask help from my family when she’s broke because she think as long as she can work,she will never ask help from other.My dad buy my eldest sister condominium,car because she want to start work but my middle sister she worked by her own to afford those things.

I’m the youngest,but my family seriously not pampering me because,I have to work hard to buy something that is expensive.Now I’m in UNIKL MICET, my expenses mostly depends on my savings because I’m a bit shy to ask money from my dad because ,I think I’m big enough try to survive on my own .Sometimes,my middle sister support my expenses because she think that I’m one of her responsibility.
Based on my story,do you think that this theory relevant?